Welcome to Hyperspace

We build connections, one learner to the next

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The Hyperspace Tutors Logo: An orange apple flying through a dark blue latticework tunnel.The Hyperspace Tutors Logo: A blue apple flying through an orange latticework tunnel.

Looking to get ahead this semester?

As recent Ivy League graduates, we know how to help students meet their academic goals

More importantly, we are committed to guiding our students along their own academic journey no matter where that road might lead.

Hear from our students

We can’t say enough good things about Joel. Our 14yo was preparing to take the ISEE and HSPT for High School admissions. Joel normally worked with older students but thought he could help her out. And he did. After three sessions, Zoe said she was explaining concepts to her fellow eighth graders. After a few more sessions, her teacher asked how she was advancing so quickly. By the time of the  standardized tests, she believed she could, and would, succeed. It proved to be true. Her scores were among the factors that gained her admission to each private school where she applied. Joel gave her skills, yes. But he also gave her confidence in herself. She is a fan for life. As are we.

- Dan J., Middle School Parent

"My daughter attributes her Straight A's in Physics and Calc to the tutoring she has received from Joel at Hyperspace. He's able to explain the concepts in a way that clicks for her. I highly recommend Hyperspace Tutors."

- Patti H., High School Parent

Coming from a weak physics background, jumping into accelerated physics was a huge pain. Honestly, there was no way I would have survived these two semesters without the help of Gabriel Matos. As a tutor, his explanations of concepts were easy to understand, and I never felt like he went into long tangents or used unnecessary jargon -- straight to the point, and he made abstraction much simpler to grasp. Relative to other options, I felt like the fees were affordable, and in general, Hyperspace were understanding when it came to financial complications.

Even as a person, Gabe was nonchalant and easy to talk to, and at times he felt more like a friend than a tutor. I felt incredibly comfortable speaking to him about things outside of the material that we covered during the sessions. My experience with him, and Hyperspace in general, was great, and it definitely added more to my freshman year experience. Thanks, Gabe!

- Undergrad Physics Student

The tutor I worked with (Joel) was very nice and always asked how I was doing. The teaching was also great. [Joel] would explain things in deep detail so that I understood each topic thoroughly.

- Ella S., High School Physics Student

"Taking on Calculus I was a challenge for me, but with Joel's help I felt more secure and confident in the course than I would have if I didn't have him. I appreciated Joel's patience and the above and beyond accommodations that he provided for me in our sessions. I felt like he really took time to understand my learning style, and presented the material in a way that made sense to me. Thank you Hyperspace!"

- Hyperspace Undergrad Student

Want to speak to a previous student about their experience?
Contact us below and we'll be happy to put you in touch with one of our client references!

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