Essay Writing & Review

Why is writing important?

No matter what field you pursue, the ability to write well will always stand out.  When we write, we exercise an ability to give form and coherence to the jumbled, incomplete, and fleeting thoughts that flash through our minds.  To put it poetically, writing lets not only capture thought before it flies beyond our grasp, but it also poises us to gift our thoughts unto others so that they might glimpse the world as we do.
Less poetically, effective communication is an essential skill in all aspects of life, and learning to write helps a student craft and refine their own communicative voice.  Even if you have no aspirations of being a professional writer, author, journalist, or anything of the sort, putting in the time as a student to become a better writer will only open doors for you down the road.

How can a tutor help you with writing?

Someone famous once remarked that writing is the act of revision.  We’re pretty sure.  If not, they should have.  When trying to improve a piece of writing, it is always best to have a piece of writing to work with in the first place.  As tutors, we will best be able to help you if you come to us with a specific piece of writing that you want to work on.  That way, we can discuss and revise together so that you can see and learn the editing thought process in real time.
That being said, the journey to the first draft is undoubtedly the most painful part of the writing process.  If you haven’t quite put your pen to paper yet and are looking for someone to brainstorm with, we’re here for that too!  At the end of the day, we can’t come up with ideas for you, but sometimes the act of explaining your thinking to another person proves the best way to organize your thoughts and prepare them for the page.

How can a tutor help you with research?

In order to write an excellent essay, it is important to know what you are writing about. Research is an essential part of most school curricula, and it can also be one of the most daunting tasks a student can face. Especially in the modern age of the internet, knowing where to look and how to look for sources that are accessible and credible presents an organizational challenge. Not to mention, you have to keep track of each source in detail to turn in your final works cited or bibliography.
By brainstorming keywords, guiding you to credible sites and databases, and walking you through citation tools and styles, a tutor can help you and/or your student narrow your searches, evaluate and select reliable sources, and make sure your citations are in tip-top shape!

Tutors Who Can Help With Essay Review & Proofreading

College Application Essays

How can a tutor help with College Applications?

Are you or your student applying to college soon? Need some help writing and revising the many application essays and short answers for your list of favorite schools? We know that college applications are a stressful subject for students and families alike, and that there can be more than a few sleepless nights spent agonizing over every last word.
Luckily, our writing tutors are here to help relieve the stress for both students and families. The application process is a very personal experience, and sometimes it can be helpful to have a fresh, objective pair of eyes looking over your essays to help you put your best foot forward for every school. Furthermore, our tutors have been there: as current or recent college students ourselves from the top schools across the country, we have written successful applications ourselves.
Contact us below to get connected with one of our tutors who can help alleviate the application stress and make your essays shine.
*Please note: we are not a College Counseling Service. Our students can work with students to draft and revise college application essays, but they do not advise students of which schools/institutions to apply to.

Tutors Who Can Help With College Application Essays

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